Vibration: One of the Three Keys to a New Life

June 23, 2022 Carol 4 comments

~ The Art of Ease and Grace: Three Keys to a New Life ~

Video on Vibration:

This month my blog is a vlog!  I was invited to be the guest speaker at Unity Church of Maui on June 12, 2022.  Below you will find a 5-minute video that includes excerpts from my talk where I discuss vibration. 

Vibration is one of the three keys to living with ease and grace.  The three keys are Vision, Vibration and Grace.  I provide a summary of all three keys and then I expand on the topic of Vibration.  A transcript and a link to the full video are found below.  



(Subheadings Added for Ease in Reading)

Vision, Vibration and Grace


Vision is about holding a long-term vision for your life or even a short-term intention of what you would like to have happen. The key to visioning is to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.


Vibration is about stepping into the vibration of your vision so that it can easily manifest.  We all know the basic example of the difference between love and fear.  Fear, of course, is a lower vibration and love, as Louise so beautifully sang about this morning, is that wonderful high vibration that we all aspire to, all the time.  And so, stepping into that love—all you need is love—is the heart of vibration.


And Grace!  Grace is a wind that is always blowing; it’s a power and a presence, as Patricia so eloquently spoke about in her prayer, that is always there.  And we simply need to acknowledge, tap into, and know—and know—that it is there.

Basic Precepts or Principles

[And now let’s discuss] some basic precepts about the art of ease and grace:

  • The heart of the art of ease and grace is being present to what is. We’ve all heard about being present to the moment and mindfulness.  It turns out that all world religions teach the value of being present.

And as I learned—I didn’t know that at the time I was thrown out of the confessional, but…

  • Struggles in life can be a gift. They can show us inner resources we never knew we had.

And I found my typo here.  Stuggles, which are actually struggles, can also teach us compassion.  …I have compassion for my typo.  [laughter]

More on Vibration:

Now let’s move on to Vibration and chat a little bit more about that.  I find—I’m a writer after all—that journaling is a wonderful way to step into the Vibration of your Vision.

What often happens when you state your Vision—whether you do it verbally, whether you do it in writing—where does your mind go?  My mind goes to everything unlike that in my life.  As Reverend Mary Omwake would often say from this platform, when you affirm love in your life, everything unlike love is going to show up so it can be cleared, and you can stand firmly in your Vision.  And so, I think journaling is a wonderful way to raise my Vibration because I’ll write my affirmation and then I immediately write down everything else I’m thinking about.

Then I can look at it and I can say “Do I really believe this?  Do I really want to hold this in my life?” 

And then I can clear it and move on.  And then that Vision gets stronger. 

Our Consciousness is Like an Iceberg

I’ve learned that our consciousness is like an iceberg.  And so, for Carrie, those feelings of guilt and shame were under the water for a long time.  They weren’t the tip of the iceberg above the water—the thoughts that we realize we have….  I’ve heard estimates that 95% of our consciousness is unconscious, and so there’s a lot under there.

It’s just such a wonderful analogy to me, this iceberg for the consciousness.  I like to imagine that if I clear that old stuff that may still be stuck inside, that my iceberg is floating higher than ever and maybe it’s less than 95% under the water. 

Summary of the Three Keys

So, there we have it—The Art of Ease and Grace: Three Keys to a New Life. To summarize, Vision is about a long-term Vision or even a short-term intention you have in your life.  Remembering to focus on what you want rather than on what you don’t want is key.  Stepping into the Vibration of your Vision will help it manifest much more easily.  Grace is a wind that is always blowing.

Carol McNulty-Huffman speaking on Vibration
The Art of Ease and Grace: Three Keys to a New Life

End of Transcript

What about you?  Is one of the three keys to living with ease and grace more challenging for you than the others?  Vibration is my most challenging one.  What are your favorite ways to raise your vibration?  I would love to hear from you!

I invite you to continue exploring The Art of Ease and Grace with me in future blogs.  

  • If you would like to get an email notification when future blogs are posted, please click HERE to join my mailing list.  At this time, my audio blogs are available by email OR by scrolling to the end of this web page. 

~ Carol McNulty-Huffman,

Best-Selling Author & Inspirational Speaker

The Art of Ease and Grace

A Peek at My Next Blog Post:

Topic: Grace

  • Grace is our topic next month.  Once again, the title (and content) of the post will reveal itself between now and then!  LOL

  • Grace is powerful in so many ways.  I look forward to seeing how my words flow around this topic in the next few weeks. 🙂   

Summary of the Three Keys: 

  • The three keys to living with ease and grace are Vision, Vibration and Grace.  Vision is about setting a Vision for the long-term or an intention for the short-term.  Vibration is about stepping into the Vibration of that Vision, so that it can easily manifest.  Grace is a wind that is always blowing — a power flowing through our experience more and more as we open to receive it.  
  • The fact is these keys are already at work in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not!  Noticing these keys allows us to access them more consciously and use them to create a life of greater ease, grace and flow.
  • To learn more about Vision Click HERE

  • To learn more about Vibration Click HERE

  • To learn more about Grace Click HERE

  • To learn about the Birth of this Blog, and releasing regret, click HERE

We are continuing our conversation about the art of ease and grace, between blog posts, in my private Facebook group (Art of Ease and Grace).  Click HERE to request entry.  You can also email me at or send a message through Messenger to make that happen.

If you would like to get an email notification when future blogs are posted, please click HERE to join my mailing list.

To View the Full 33-Minute Video Click HERE

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