
Hour Class on the Beach with Sun Setting Over Ocean

The Art of Ease and Grace in Action with Time

By Carol | Oct 20, 2022

Listen Here: Overwhelm and Stress: Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed that you don’t have enough time?  What is your relationship with time?  Do you have enough time, or do you perceive that you have too little?     We all have 24 HOURS a day — 168 hours per week.  That’s 1,440 minutes OR 86,400…

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Four stacks of coins increasing in height stand next to a larger jar of coins. A plant appears to be growing out of each stack. The background is green and out of focus and appears to be a forest.

The Art of Ease and Grace in Action for Finances

By Carol | Sep 22, 2022

Listen Here: Is It Possible to Shift Our Thinking?! Are you looking for more Ease and Grace to flow around your finances?  If so, this blog was written for YOU!  So much of what we believe about money, or anything really, was instilled in us when we were very young.  It’s as if we didn’t…

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View of a Rainbow through a window, representing hope and comfort. The storm has passed. I AM healing. I AM healthy.

The Art of Ease and Grace in Action for Healing

By Carol | Aug 18, 2022

Listen Here: Persistent Health Issues: Have you ever had a persistent health issue?  What if we could use the three keys* to living with Ease and Grace to move that health issue to a better place?  Of course, anything I say here is not meant as medical advice; your medical actions are between you and…

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Just above the tree line, the sky appears orange and gray, with a sliver of light blue on the right side just above the horizon. Darker gray clouds are scattered throughout. The overall impression is peaceful, reminding us of our connection to the timelessness of Grace.

The Power and Presence of Grace in Action

By Carol | Jul 21, 2022

A Lifetime Opportunity: “I would like to call this number, please.” I spoke into the phone. The international operator in Ecuador soon connected me to a radio phone in the Galapagos Islands.  My friend Amrit had invited me to visit her at the Charles Darwin Research Station, where she was working way back in 1988. …

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Carol McNulty-Huffman speaking on Vibration

Vibration: One of the Three Keys to a New Life

By Carol | Jun 23, 2022

I invite you to continue exploring The Art of Ease and Grace with me in future blogs.   If you would like to get an email notification when future blogs are posted, please click HERE to join my mailing list.  At this time, my audio blogs are available by email OR by scrolling to the…

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Tutor with Young Child having an AHA moment.

The Art of Ease and Grace in Action for Parents

By Carol | May 19, 2022

Developmental Delays: My story begins when my daughter Erin was an infant and we noticed that she didn’t meet developmental guidelines important to our doctors.  Hearing this stressed me significantly, until I awakened to the idea that Erin was whole, perfect and complete just as she was. Guiding Your Child’s Soul Development: As her parent,…

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The head of a tiger is isolated on a black background. The tiger is gazing directly into the viewer's eyes.

Deepening Your Awareness of Grace

By Carol | Apr 21, 2022

Doing What’s Mine to Do: My daughter Erin was joining me on a trip to my former family home in Pennsylvania to help my sisters sort through my mother’s belongings.  It was July; my mother had passed away in February.  July is also Erin’s birthday month!  As we sorted through our schedules to find a…

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Next is a graphic with two head silhouettes on a light blue background, one white (on the left) representing love, one black (on the right) representing fear. Between them is a pink heart and the words Self Care.

Your Intention REALLY Matters

By Carol | Mar 24, 2022

My Wake-Up Call: In 1981, I worked at Biscayne National Park in South Florida as a Park Ranger and Environmental Education Coordinator.  The job consisted of taking school children camping and leading the general public on boat tours and water activities like snorkeling and I loved it! That summer, the park staff was eliminating alien…

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Image of rippling water with clouds reflecting in upper part of picture suggesting two different frequencies, one lighter and one darker.

Pain Pushes While Vision Pulls

By Carol | Feb 24, 2022

By the fact that you are reading this blog post, you may know that doing this blog was first an idea in my mind’s eye.  It came to me through a guest speaker in a writing class who is a very successful blogger.  I didn’t take action at that time, as my plate was full,…

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