4 Comments on “The Art of Ease and Grace in Action with Time

    1. You are SO welcome, Amy. I am glad you took the time to read it. If you are inspired to share your insights in more detail, I would love to hear about them!
      Cheers, Carol

  1. I deeply appreciate the insight on how to view and sit with undesired feelings with compassion which allows them to surface with ease and Grace. By reading a spiritual book, saying my affirmations and turning my angst to God, I can gently unwind from undesirable feelings and thought pattern. I am at ease and comforted by the grace and power of All seeing, omnipotent God. I rest there with my thoughts and feelings with ease and Grace.

    1. Oh Ana Maria, I really appreciate you sharing your experience of unwinding your undesirable feelings. I am grateful to have provided some insight to you. What a precious gift it is “to rest there with [your] thoughts and feelings with ease and Grace.” Aloha nui, Carol

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