Author: Carol

February 24, 2022 Carol 2 comments

By the fact that you are reading this blog post, you may know that doing this blog was first an idea in my mind’s eye.  It came to me through a guest speaker in a writing class who is a very successful blogger.  I didn’t take action at that time, as my plate was full,…

January 26, 2022 Carol 7 comments

Having Grace in your life makes everything so much easier.  The beautiful thing is we don’t have to be or do anything to experience Grace.  Grace is a gift. No Drama Needed: Even though I know this now, there was a time in my life when I was clueless about Grace.  In this blog, I share a dramatic…

December 15, 2021 Carol 5 comments

When you think of the words, contraction and expansion, what comes to mind for you?  I like the idea, and feeling, of expansion and must admit that I have had some resistance to the word, and feeling of, contraction.  Until the other morning, that is, when I decided to simply be present with my experience of being…

November 24, 2021 Carol 6 comments

Listen Here: The Power and Energy of Visioning: Are you able to easily manifest your desires?  If not, please read on; both the School of Life and the School of Hard Knocks have taught me much about this topic.  Vision is one of the three keys to living with ease and grace. Vision is at work…

November 11, 2021 Carol 10 comments

Listen Here: WELCOME to My First Blog Post ~ Being Present to What Is: Life is right here, right now, not in the past, not in regret. I imagine you have heard many times about the value of living in the present moment. It is in fact a basic teaching found in all major world…